OCTOBER 24 – 28


Add your name here if you are visiting Kubecon. We will coordinate to arrange a F2F meeting with Nephio community members

NameEmail addressWhich dates attendingNotes
Wim Henderickxwim.henderickx@gmail.com24th till 28th early afternoon
Daniel Bernierdaniel.bernier@bell.ca24th through 27th
John Belamaricjbelamaric@google.com24th through 28th

Appointment link: https://calendar.app.google/TCmgCTbRZR3SrrF16

I will be giving a Nephio talk: https://sched.co/182H0 that will be emphasizing the fleet management aspects (not the NF operators aspects).

Sebastian Scheelesebastian@kubermatic.com24th through 28th
Victor Moralesv.morales@samsung.com24th through 28th
Hojoon Won


24th through 28th
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